Sunday, February 8, 2009

Andrew William Tompson

This weekend I had to make my way home to Moberly to get my wisdom teeth yanked out! Not the most fun I've ever had to say the least. However, the one bright side of coming home this weekend amidst the massive amounts of sleep, pain, and hunger was getting to see my baby nephew. He is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. So welcome to the world, Andrew William Tompson. Next weekend I am actually going to go home again (when I'm not out of it from medication) so that I can take his newborn pictures. I can't wait!

Andrew also has some beautiful sisters. However he might have his work cut out for him when he's older I don't think he'll ever get cut any slack for being the baby. Kiersten will make sure of that! (Kiersten is the one giving the evil eye, she has quite a mischievous personality! haha)

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